Learning Resource Links

List of interesting internet resources

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Follow below a resource list that I use to learn. This post is an organic list.

  • First, a great thanks to all resources responsible cited in this.
  • Any resource suggestions or corrections, let me know.
  • I wish great learning to you.
  • Total links: 28

1 - Get informed:

Links to inform you.

Hacker News
πŸ‘‰ Social news website when users discuss computing and entrepreneurship. The best news is voted
πŸ‘‰ News source of technology
Awesome Lists
πŸ‘‰ Lists of awesome and interesting topics
Telegram Data Science, Programação e Simulação Channel
πŸ‘‰ Telegram channel with Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Simulation news

2 - General Programming Learning:

Links about general programming.

πŸ‘‰ Several programming courses and certifications. Youtube channel also
πŸ‘‰ Brazilian Group for new programming learners with challenges and Telegram chat
πŸ‘‰ Computational Thinking Brazilian portal
πŸ‘‰ Northwestern University Computational STEM tools using Netlogo
MIT Scratch
πŸ‘‰ Block type programming language. Great for starters. Possible to create stories, games, and animations. Several tutorials
MIT App Inventor
πŸ‘‰ Block type programming language. Several tutorials. Create iPhone and Android apps in the browser and test them on your phone
πŸ‘‰ List of guides to support developers learning
πŸ‘‰ Brazilian guide to computational science self-learning
Save Money: Learn to Code From Home
πŸ‘‰ a suggestion from a reader with a lot of good resources to learn to code
STEM Identity Resources for Women and Girls
πŸ‘‰ College Educated STEM resources list for Women and Girls

3 - Machine Learning / Artificial intelligence:

Links about Artificial intelligence.

Machine Learning for Everyone
πŸ‘‰ Great machine learning concepts summary
Machine learning for humans
πŸ‘‰ Great machine learning concepts in plain English
πŸ‘‰ Machine learning and Data Science portal. With competition, and Courses
Data Hackers
πŸ‘‰ Brazilian data science community, with a Slack community
πŸ‘‰ Blog that brings news and tutorials about R language
πŸ‘‰ Data Science portal with great information quantity
Data Science for Beginners
πŸ‘‰ Microsoft’s Data Science guide for beginners
AI Coding and Programming Tools
πŸ‘‰ An incredible suggestion from a reader AI Coding and Programming Tools list

4 - Books lists:

Links about programming books list.

Big book of R
πŸ‘‰ List of R language books
Online Programming Books
πŸ‘‰ Books list several computing areas
Green Tea Press
πŸ‘‰ Allen Downey books. Recommended

5 - Data Viz Resources:

Links about Data visualization tools.

Data Viz Project
πŸ‘‰ List of Graphs and their characteristics
R Graph Gallery
πŸ‘‰ List of charts implemented in R
Python Graph Gallery
πŸ‘‰ List of charts implemented in Python


Leonardo Grando
Leonardo Grando
Technology Ph.D. Candidate

My research interests include Agent-Based Simulation, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning.